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The Hunt for a Pink October

Well everybody......... The hunt is over, and just in time to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month or better said in the sports terminology world as "Saving Second Base". What else would look better than fighting for a W in pink camo while standing up to the fight against Breast Cancer at the same time? Don't worry I can wait........(nothing).......... cause I can't come up with a better look than this Elite Camo Rama package. Plus choose your style by showing off the team as "On the field vets" in three color traditional  or "Leaders of the new school" in four color digital. Either way you look at it, its a win-win. You're standing up for a good cause and looking good as you do it.

Elite Camo Rama 

Color ways for the guys who

 want to feel "Pretty in Pink" too

while showing some support
Here's a idea for the fall ball players and teams that will be playing in October; For the whole time during Breast Cancer Awareness Month DON'T steal second base in support for the fight our close friends & love ones are going through.

 And it doesn't have to stop there with only the uniforms,
                                                 up the ante with accessories to match.

Mizuno Organizer Bat Pack
Mizuno Premier G3

Jennie Finch Headband 

Rawlings 2 Tone Coolflow

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